Content & Media Types

Content & Media Types

A map of Media Types (including wildcards) to a Media Type Object that describes the content of the request or response as it relates to the media type consumed or produced.

The key in the map is a media or MIME type (opens in a new tab) that determines how the content is encoded. This media type can include wildcards indicating a range of media types it covers. For example, application/* would match application/json, application/xml, and so on, and */* would match any media type. It can be explicitly defined to match only a single media type, for example, application/json; charset=utf-8.

Where both a wildcard and a specific media type are defined, the specific media type definition takes precedence.

For example:

application/json: # Upload a JSON file
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Drink"
img/*: # Upload any image format
type: string
format: binary
text/*: # Upload any text-based description of a drink
type: string
text/csv: # Upload a CSV file (this will take precedence over text/*)
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Drink"

Media Type Object

A Media Type Object describes the request or response for a media type, with optional examples and extensions.

schemaSchema ObjectA schema that describes the request or response content.
exampleAnyAn optional example of the media type. This example overrides any examples from the Schema Object in the schema field. Mutually exclusive with the examples field.
examplesMap[string, Example Object | OpenAPI Reference Object]Optional examples of the media type. These examples override any examples from the Schema Object in the schema field. Mutually exclusive with the example field.
encodingMap[string, Encoding Object]An optional map of Encoding Objects. Each Encoding Object's key should match one of the properties from the Schema Object in the schema field. Only applies to Request Body Objects when the media type is multipart or application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields as required by tooling and vendors.