
speakeasy generate docs

Use this command to generate content for the SDK docs directory.


Use this command to generate content for the SDK docs directory.


speakeasy generate docs [flags]


-y, --auto-yes auto answer yes to all prompts
-c, --compile automatically compile SDK docs content for a single page doc site
-d, --debug enable writing debug files with broken code
-H, --header string header key to use if authentication is required for downloading schema from remote URL
-h, --help help for docs
-l, --langs string a list of languages to include in SDK Docs generation. Example usage -l go,python,typescript
-o, --out string path to the output directory
-r, --repo string the repository URL for the SDK, if the published (-p) flag isn't used this will be used to generate installation instructions
-b, --repo-subdir string the subdirectory of the repository where the SDK is located in the repo, helps with documentation generation
-s, --schema string local filepath or URL for the OpenAPI schema (default "./openapi.yaml")
--token string token value to use if authentication is required for downloading schema from remote URL

Options inherited from parent commands

--logLevel string the log level (available options: [info, warn, error]) (default "info")

Parent Command